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Posts posted by RobertM

  1. I'm staying at the Hilton Garden Inn, arriving Thursday late afternoon sometime - if anyone wants to carpool to Friday's events, please let me know. My car will hold 4 more adults (if someone wants to get stuck in the middle in the backseat).

    Seeing as we're all going to the same places, carpooling could be fun and economical. I just need to unpack the car.

  2. Landies Candies is at 2495 Main Street, Suite 350, Buffalo, NY 14214 - The man I've been working with is Larry.

    I've also chatted with Brian at Tomric, they are expecting us around 1:30 in the afternoon. Brian is going to demo panning and the use of the Selmi enrober. There will also be an opportunity to purchase items from Tomric while we are there.

    Brian suggested the Anchor for lunch, which is evidently between Landies and Tomric.

    If everyone is agreeable to that plan, I can call and ask them to save us a table, set aside for the eGullet Chocolate Conference.

  3. It all begins one week from today. Just an update or two. I'm still working with Larry from Landies Candies in Buffalo for a tour and a Q&A session. We're hoping to do that for the morning hour(s); then lunch and after lunch a trip and time well spent with Brian at Tomric. Brian is going to do a demo on panning and we hope to break out the Selmi and do some enrobing and demo how you can decorate enrobed pieces - if anyone wants to bring any of their pieces to enrobe on the Selmi at Tomric, Brian is all for that -

    Then, it's back to Canada for dinner and sharing - Let the fun begin...

  4. Everyone -

    Brian is asking what we would like him to demo when are with him on Friday afternoon at Tomric. On eGullet's last visit Brian demonstrated decorating techniques with colors. Brian suggested that he could show us all Panning techniques (but did mention that panning is noisy).

    Brian has a Selmi enrobing unit set up in his kitchen. I'm planning on bringing some pieces that I've been working on to ask him to demo the enrober with my centers - he has agreed to do that and to show us some decorating techniques when using an enrober. (then those pieces will be available Friday night at the after dinner)

    I understand that there will be an opportunity to view the Tomric catalog and make purchases/place orders.

    So, for everyone who's coming, please let us know what you would like to see, learn and experience and I will pass that along to Brian -

  5. I've spoken to Landies in Buffalo and he would be happy to host us for a tour of the operation on Friday May 13th. As we get closer to the date of the conference I will coordinate the actual number of people that would like to partake in the visit and any other relevant information.

    I'm working on additional tours but haven't gotten hold of the people yet. I will update here as more information is available.

  6. I admit, I'm ignorant to the rules and regulations about crossing the border. I work for the Department of Homeland Security so it appears I'm going to have to do some Customs/Border Patrol research to learn about the ability to take personal things across the border; into and back out of your Great country - I'm not looking to start a discussion about this - just making an observation -

  7. Kerry - I know that in the past we started to put up different ideas for topics to discuss, for example you've held small group sessions on tempering chocolate and making/using our own designed transfer sheets -

    If you'd (or those coming to the conference) would like, I could bring some equipment to do a session/demonstration on caramel making or possibly some other topic of group interest -

    Regardless of topic, I would just need a little time to be able to prepare and assure ingredient availability

    Just throwing idea's out there....

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