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Posts posted by Narcissus

  1. Of course it's also a reference to Rugby -- Guy Savoy is a coach and the restaurant stayed open late during the world cup, for "third half-times".

    Very interesting about Guy Savoy. One would think that an artist would protect his hands from injury. But he is only coaching.

    And yes, his dessert carts do overflow...

  2. Thanks for the update, Carolyn. I have always liked the food at O Izakaya. The breakfast is a bit expensive, but that is most likely because it a "hotel" restaurant in the morning, and converts into a neighborhood spot in the evenings.

  3. Over the years, we have set price records for cocktails at Fouquet's, Meurice and the Bristol.  Think of it this way; you are renting a table in one of the most desirable places on Earth, and you own it as long as you want to stay.  It's only $$$$.

    i completely appreciate that...and as someone who loves cocktails, i'm not afraid to pay for them. But, i did, tonight, have a bit of a thought based on Narcissus' comment about paying 3 times the price for twice the quality - when does a cocktail get silly expensive without the return in quality? just got back from Flute - which is now up there with ECC for me...will give details tomorrow. But i do have to question: is my goal to 'rent a table' or have a damn good cocktail. if i just wanted the table, I could have just had a pernod (which I like as well) for less than ten bucks at laperouse.

    Mind you, we ordered one cocktail, the Kir Royale, and one aperitif, the Lillet Blanc. There is no preparation or presentation for the Lillet. A simple pour in a simple glass. We could have bought and entire bottle at the local supermarche for the price at Le Meurice. It was romantic, I have to say. We were made to feel comfortable even though we were renting a flat nearby. When I am in Paris, the ROI on my experiences is always in my favor. We have wonderful memories and just dive in. Of course we can do it less expensive, but dressing for dinner and having a cocktail at one of the best hotels in the world is priceless.

    I wouldn't do it again, though. Maybe George V next :wink:

  4. We recently spent significant cocktail time at two locations over the course of a week. Le Fumoir and Le Meurice. As one might expect, we paid three times as much for twice the quality at the Bar at Le Meurice. Our standard operating procedure pre-dinner is a Lillet Blanc and a Kir Royale each. There was quite a difference in the quality for both. The Kir Royale I can understand because of the quality of the Champagne. The difference in quality for the Lillet Blanc existed, but I did not verify (mid-romance) if we were served Reserve Jean De Lillet. Our investment for Lillet Blanc and Kir Royale was 54 Euro.

    At Le Fumoir, we had cocktails, running 10-12 euro each. They were fine, properly crafted, but did not wow us, but after the Louvre, they sure hit the spot.

  5. You should be able to eat well on 20 Euros/ day/person.

    Bread & butter for B'fast are cheap as are various kinds of jam & jellies (A large Apricot jam  for 1.2E for example) Croissants run between .7 & .9E each, pain au raisin about 1.3E.

    Your bulk veggies from the Super Market make for cheap soups. Leeks should still be Ok in May. Lentils are both good & cheap here for soups. potato's run about 1E/lb. Salads are inexpensive although you will be a bit early for good & cheap tomatoes.

    Everyone is right about the price of veggies, they do jump all over the place especially at market. They also vary a lot week by week.

    Your braises, stews & other slow cooked dishes will serve you well. For me my luxury items are cheeses; good ones are not cheap, but I can't resist. For other people its the desserts from the shops, expensive, but worth it if you have a sweet tooth.

    I think you'll have fun & also have a bit of budget to splurge with.

    A final thought. You can eat lunch at a 'routier' for 11 -14E per person. This for a 4 course meal including wine. Definitely worth a try and very much a "French" experience for those who are new to the country. I'm sure that with a bit of looking & asking you will be able to find several within easy reach.

    I searched for 'routier' and didn't find much. Can you enlighten me? What is a 'Routeir'?

  6. Not that Sysco is the epitome of artisanal ingredients, but Sysco and US Foodservice are often somewhat misunderstood. Restaurants at just about all levels use these companies as suppliers. Perhaps a restaurant like the French Laundry doesn't use Sysco, but restaurants at every other level do. You can order anything from lame frozen bar food ("Sysco Reliance") to better stuff ("Sysco Classic, Sysco Imperial") to pretty high level haute-cuisine ingredients ("Sysco Supreme" and various Sysco-owned brands for organics, etc.). It's up to the restaurant. Sysco didn't invent bad food. Food was bad before Sysco became a dominant distributor. Sysco just delivers what people order.

    sorry I disagree. Sysco sucks. Us Food sucks. I am a Chef in a mid level restaurant. I kick both of their salesmen out because their quality is crap. But then I also do not buy farm raised fish (yes, I do not like color added fish) and I would rather die than serve that. Why on planet earth would you buy anything that IS SUPPOSEDLY ORGANIC BY SYSCO WHEN YOU COULD ACTUALLY BUY FROM EITHER A GREEN MARKET OR AN ACTUALLY HIPPIE FARMER? sorry the term organic means absolutely nothing anymore... try looking for the renegade label. Organic simply means that they have paid the 5,000 dollar fee to use that term. Organic used to mean something long ago. Organic now only means you have bought and paid to use another marketing tool. The problem is our government is solely interested in promoting large corporations over us, or we, the people. Take your blinders off. We are so blinded by advertising... In America we spend the least money of any nation on food. Why is it that we buy scallops with fibrin to make perfect form pressed medallions or buy scallops that are dipped in a chemical to make them soak up 25% more water or that Hormel injects it's pork with water or that we genetically alter our food supply or that our governbment allows nuclear sludge to be moixed into our pesticide (6%) with no warning labels. Why does single consumer want to buy anything that is slightly related to Monsanto? Why? because large corporations advertise and we are led to believe that this stuff is safe for human consumption despite concrete scientific proof to the contrary. Try actually reading the label of most Sysco products and read the large amount of additives and fake ingredients they add to make their food appeal to the preconceptions we have of food. No, sorry brother people buy from Sysco because they do not know any better... and most of their clientele has yet to ask the questions.


  7. Thank you for bringing attention to this show. I PVRd a few shows last night, and have been enjoying them all morning.

    It has been more than a decade since I visited London, but I have a friend that travels there regularly. He makes the claim that great food is easier to find, but it is still a challenge, and that when you find it, you pay a premium. Is this still true? And if so, how difficult is it to find the product Rick Stein showcases?

  8. Narcissus, did you find that the oak fire gave a discernibly different taste to the paella compared to the ones you made before? Cooking it outdoors like that with the ocean nearby certainly looks more appetising.

    Yes, I think it changed the flavor quite a bit. The smoke flavor was subtle, but definitely present.

    I just want to say I cooked it that way once in my life. The kids didn't appreciate it, but the adults did.

  9. We had our Memorial Day paella party on the beach in Northern California. We used local oak wood for the fire and rigged up a simple grate over our family firepit. We mixed meat and seafood because of the crowd. We also had some leftover abalone, picked that morning.

    We weren't prepared for taking pictures, but here they are:


    The soffrito and chorizo blending with the Bomba rice.


    Tending the pan over the firepit. Note the dogs waiting patiently and the ocean behind the house. I hear that the sea air makes a difference, as well as the smoke from the fire.


    Bubbling away. We added a sprig of rosemary from a plant started by my great-grandfather.


    Some of the finishing ingredients: pre-seared chicken thighs, clams and mussels from Hog Island, prawns from Mexico abalone from Noyo, and peas from the freezer...


    The finished product with two glasses of a rose cava I picked up at The Spanish Table in Berkeley.

    It turned out great, and the family loved it. We opened up many bottles of Jumilla and sat on the deck, watching the sunset.

    This is my fifth attempt at paella, but the first over an oak fire and near the ocean.

  10. I'll be doing a paella for 10 people this Memorial Day weekend. We'll be on the beach, pacific side, and use some neutral wood for the fire. I'll take pics and report back.

    Question: is it traditional to serve with an Aioli?

  11. here is what i made for dinner.. ::drumroll please::




    My Wife just had a look on her face that I see only in candlelight!

    That ankimo looks great! Can you share the recipe?


  12. We were at farmer's market this morning, and we were looking at the decorative corn stalks. My bride found the cobs contained a black fungus. Each stalk had 2-3 infected cobs. I grabbed a number of them and am willing to experiment.

    Can anyone verify that this is actually Huitlacoche?


  13. A new restaurant opened up across the street from Panolivo. It is called Artisan, and we stumbled across it driving home from the Santa Barbara Harvest Festival (rained, btw).

    Artisan is very new, less than a month old. The chef's name is Kobayashi, and he worked at Asia de Cuba in SF, and at Brix in napa, and if I remember correctly, he is pastry-centric. We had lunch at the bar sunday afternoon, and the other owner, the chef's brother Michael, took care of us.

    I had the Local Cod fish and chips, my bride the burger. The chips on both plates were shoestrings, and came with housemade ketchup. The fish was wonderful, light, cooked correctly, and flavorful. I would have liked more traditional chips. The burger was fine, and after an early afternoon of wine tasting, hit the spot. It absorbed those 16.6% zins.

    I have not tried anything else, so this recommendation is for those that want to experiment and report back.

    We did love the 8 Layer chocolate cake with Guinness ice cream.

    We hit 3 wineries before lunch: Garretson Wines, Orchid Hill, and Hug.

    Artisan Restaurant

    edited to stay on topic:

    Our first choice was anything with Mole at Villa Creek, but they are closed sunday lunch. They open at 5pm. We've eaten there before, and loved it. Nothing like the Buffalo Ribeye with Villa Creek Garnacha.

  14. I felt that Sam's Quick Fire dish was quite interesting and Harold thought so as well. I think he will be one to watch.

    I also got the impression that Harold felt more comfortable voting for the guys. Could have been the editing showing him speak more to the male chefs' dishes.

    Reading the bios online, there just might be a civil war between the Adria / Keller followers and the Batali / Lawson followers, with those straddling the line coming out the winners.

    It is also interesting that we have two California Central Valley entrants, Michael and Mia. They only live an hour apart (and an hour from where I live). I wonder what made the demographics skew like that.

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