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Chef Shogun

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Posts posted by Chef Shogun

  1. Went to Cheesetique today, and got what is surely to become The Big Three that everybody gets: A cheddar, a blue (raw milk, no less...tasty!), and a choice cured ham product. Also the last of their salami, and some Soprasato. Lunch tomorrow is going to be a Thing Of Beauty. Serrano ham is truely the lunch-meat of the gods themselves.

    They had a pretty good selection for late in the week, as well as recovering from the initial hit. Word from behind the counter is that the time to be there is Tuesday night, to get the pick of the Monday shipment.

    -- C.S.

  2. I also like "highbrow-lowbrow" food, excellent versions of ordinary meals. Have you ever tried the fried fish sammich at Bread Line? Brioche bun with battered cod and house-made slaw with pickled red onion. Mmm mmm good.

    Had it for lunch yesterday! Love that sandwhich! I'm definately a sucker for a good fish sandwhich.

    On the way to Indique last night I noticed that a new location of Cold Stone Creamery is opening next door in Cleveland Park! I know this prolly doesn't excite most of you, but that place is definitely a guilty pleasure for me. Anyone else with me on this one?

    Oh, I'm with you on that one! They're putting one in the row of restaurants where Jaleo and Oyamel will be on the Post Road (It is NOT 'the jefferson davis highway'!) in Crystal City. Very exciting!

  3. My ex roomate was obsessed with their Chicken Carbonara subs, he proclaimed the the best subs on Earth.

    Death on a roll. Pretty tasty death on a roll, now, especially with that chili sauce, but death none-the-less. Take a look at the chicken carbonara and try to tell me that thing doesn't take like 10 minutes off your life!

  4. My roommates went to the local ABC to buy stuff for this party tonight. Decent spread, actually....big step up from parties of the past. Makes me wonder who-all is paying for it :rolleyes: .

    The list includes, and this is why I'm I'm this thread, a bottle of scorpion vodka. On one hand, I'm curious to try. On the other, it probably just takes like vodka with a dead freakin' scorpion in it. Maybe this is one for the infusing boards, but what type of scorpion do you generally use for this stuff? They have them at Whole Foods, or is this one for the farmer's market? Rounding out the novelty beverages for the evening we have everybodies favorite, Hypnotiq, and some RemyRed.

    -- C.S.

  5. I hear that! I ended up having to clean up two really heavily infected student machines, and then help a staff member set up for some sort of new student something or other. Long story short I ended up having a #7 and fries from Lindy's around 3:30. Rocked the house with those laptops, though!

    Absolutely, positively going to try and get there tomorrow!

  6. I'm not sure you could say that about Crystal City, unless the pocket protectors and plastic badges of government workers make one tingle. Always struck me as more of a TGIFridays neighborhood.

    Hey, that's a Chili's over there by the Hilton, bub, and don't you forget it! :raz:

    I know what you mean, though. I've only lived there since the beginning of the summer, but it's struck me that way, too. We've got the Jaleo, Oyamel, et al, going in, which will be nice. Then there's the 23rd street strip, which....tries hard, but largely fails. There's good variety...Lebanese, two Thai, Vietnamese, kebabs, diner, sports pub, but none of the places I've been have done much. Lebanese was average, and the service was terrible. Diner is alright, service not great, and it's missing some serious diner staples. I was in the area the other night, and something smelled awsome...think it was the sketchy (Think 'mob front') Italian place.

    So, I think Crystal City is trying, but it's not quite hitting the mark just yet. Hopefully this will raise the bar a little.

  7. I will hopefully be making it to Galileo for grilling tomorrow (wait...that's today!) :raz:

    Ditto. It's on the list of "Places I've been trying to get to for a while but for whatever reason haven't". I've got a good feeling about today, though, even if I catch the tail end of it. Can you get the BBQ to go? Going to be cutting it close for lunch hour... :hmmm:

  8. That's going to be a really nice strip, where Jaleo and Oyamel will be. With any luck it'll give the 23rd street strip around the corner a little kick, too. That area has potential, but it's not really being realized, I don't think. I haven't been to all of the places there, but with the exception of Sinplicity Cafe, it's been somewhat dissapointing.

  9. Yeah, it's the same in DC (as far as I can tell. I haven't done an exhaustive tour of the DC boozerias...yet!) and VA. What other cachaca is out there that there's a reasonable chance of buying retail? We've got Pitu at the state stores in VA, and if there were any others on the special order list, it wasn't obvious by name, which is why I'm asking! Anything I should look out for? Who's got the Stateside distribution?

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