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Posts posted by pierre45

  1. Interesting what a different experience I had at Chez l'ami Jean when I was there last year.  My wife and I arrived for a somewhat late lunch (~1:00) so the restaurant was relatively calm and we were the only tourists that I could discern.  Food was excellent, highlighted by piquillo peppers stuffed with cod brandade and pig's feet andouillette.  Service was indifferent, but the chef did come out and talk to us briefly.

    That was the old regime,where basque food prevailed.

  2. L'ami jean,27 rue malar (7).01 47 o5 86 89

    I had been at this rest early this year,when this basque rest got a new chef.At the time i was not very impressed,however recently a lot of interest was beeing shown by people that i met ,so i thought it was time to revisit.

    I went last night for dinner.On a tue night The space was packed.THe noise was shattering with people laughing and obviousely having a good time.I sat next to 4 brits and a japanese couple. 80% of the patrons were tourists.

    I started with fricasse de cepes,which was mushy and sandy.i guess they forgot to clean the mushrooms.my main was roasted partridge with side dishes of mushroom and mashed potatoes.it was quite tasty.I drank irouleguy,red wine from the basque region.Quite decent howewer.Service was very harried.

    I could not wait to get out.So i went to see the manager and paid her directly.

    I can see why this place seems to appeal to tourists.The place is cute,the noise gives them a feeling of liveliness and the food is different .The cost about 40E without wine is manageable.

  3. La mediteranee.place de l'odeon.01 43 26 02 30

    THis is a seafood restaurant in the heart of latin quarter. Tables are widely spaced and beautiful frescoes adorn the walls.

    Service is cold ,but professional.Known clients seem to get special treatment .

    The food is very tasty with fresh ingredients beautifully presented and simply prepared.I had tuna tartare as a starter and rougets provencales for main.

    Veuve cliquot champagne ,went beautifully with the meal.

    This meal without the drinks and dessert cost 45E.Fixed menus with interesting choices are offered at 35 E.

    SO overall this restautant seems to offer good values.

    specially for a seafood place.its also open i beleive on sundays and you can't beat that in paris

  4. I dined yesterday at l'entredgeu with maurice and 2 other americans.

    I had been there when they 1st opened and was curious to see how they have coped with success.

    They have 2 sittings now and the people next to us spoke english,however french still dominated on this sat night.Service was harried but very efficient and catherine the hostess and wife of the chef amazingly still remembered me. and was as gracious as ever and indicated that they will not expand despite the success.

    The food was as good as ever,we had delicious game with foie gras and wine that was decent and reasonable(a madiran for 18E).Figue tart etc.Cuisine of this quality

    at around 35E is still a steal.

    Prices are up by about 5%,specially if you use les supplements.Service is a bit more harried but is still very pleasant.Lingering becomes a problem

    however . Overall, this is still the type of bistrot that one can find only in france.


  5. What I suspect some of them like is enough word of mouth to keep them full of the kind or people who will likely become regulars. There are surely many who will enjoy the quick profits of a good review in an American glossy, but I've talked to one journalist who had to listen to the complaints of Parisian bistro owners who were well reviewed by that same journalist. The tourist rush was short lived. Their regular clientele was driven away and it's taking time to bring them back.

    The Parisian Pa and ma restaurant owners in general are not the type that think of franchising ,once they become succesful.they are quite happy in keeping "nos habitudes".They are very good at providng tasty dishes at reasonable prices in a friendly and attractive environement.Actually i think its an institution that's uniquely French and some of us are bemoaning the factors that lead to its demise.

  6. I would like to clarify my position on the issues discussed.

    _I don't think that the egullet audience has too much of an impact on a restaurant's popularity , hence loss of charme,etc.so far any how.

    -French press does not have too much influence over restaurants.You can very easily make a reservation after aricles appear praising a given restaurant.

    _American press and guidebooks have a tremendous influence over the appeal of restaurants ,specially for tourists.

    However the combination of all these elements,specially over time increases the demand for a small place.It does not take too many diners for an overload .

    The only people who suffer , are the local patrons and perhaps the occasional visitor who seeks an authentic,charming and reasonable place.

    Fortunately ,new ones open all the time and the key is finding them and sharing them with those who really appreciate those qualities.

  7. This topic was discussed under" la regalade". I thought its important enough to merit a separate topic.

    John talbot makes some excellent points about why names of rest finds should be shared,therefore i am going to mention the cons

    When a name is mentioned,specially repeatedly to a large audience.the ability of the rest to cope becomes streched.Three things usually happen.

    -Instead of the previous 1 sitting 2 are initiated,putting the end to leasurly dining.

    -Prices go up.Bien sure ,this is capitalism after all.

    -Service is harried and the quality of food deteriorates.Smaller portions become degustation opportunity?. Tourists are not fussy,n'est ce pas.

    I am going to give names of restaurants that have gone that route. or are on their way.

    -La regalade

    -le clos des gourmets

    -au bon accueil

    -aux Lyonnais

    -L'entredgeu.Not yet but on its way(I'm dining there with american friends this sat)


    Obviousely this is a dilemna.How do you share your find without destroying the charm and pleasure of one's discovery.

  8. L'entredgeu is an excellent tiny bistrot frequented mostly by parisians. Tasty dishes and wines from small proprioters all at reasonable prices.When i asked mme ,the hostess and wife of the chef as to what will they do if they get innundiated by tourists she said "Heureusement Ils mangent avant 20h30."

  9. Jim .I just finished drinking a 2002 vouvray,le haut lieu,sec from Huet.your lyrical description of Mont, demi sec completely express's my reaction.The fruit,elegance and the different dimensions are unique.I noticed however that after 2 hrs the wine started fading .i wonder therefore whether the wine will really improve after aging. It drinks very well now as you know.

  10. We are planning a wine tasting evening of italian red wines.The wines should be approachable ,well balanced and with some depth and complexity.The cost should be around $35 or less.Piemonte and tuscany regions are prefferred.

    Your help will be greatly appreciated.

  11. I dined at casual cafe a few months ago.I was disapointed with the food and the service . For instance,after repeated requests for my check i had to go to the counter to ask for l'addition,cash on hand to expedite the process.When i inquired from one of the partners about the restaurant he said they have been around for 2 years and were in ecctasy with the figaroscope rating.FRom my experience often i wonder about figaroscope's reviews and i have learned to take them with a grain of salt.

  12. This restaurant reopened in early 2004 with a new chef,mr tufayian.

    I should explain that that i am a long time resident of ridgewood ,even though i spend 4 months a year in Paris.

    I have had 3 dinners at this restaurant and my overall impression is that it compares very favorably with the 2 star restaurants in new york and if it were in paris it will be full most nights.

    The format chosen is very a la mode .namely one choses 4, 5 or 7 course dinners . portions are on the small side ,but at the end one is full.

    THe focus is on the use of good quality ingredients.creatively assembled.each course is different and just delicious.i.e.Fresh crab salad with avocado,greens and citrus dressing, and boneless lamb loin on eggplant moutabel,peas,peppers and maroccan sauce or duck breast on wild rice with cranberries and red wine reduction.for dessert bread pudding with fresh figs and ice cream.

    the final attraction of this restaurant is that its byo and the cost which is $40 for 4 courses is reasonable relative to the level of the cuisine and atmosphere.

    The 2 rooms are attractive and service is pleasant and efficient.

  13. I have flown in and out of beauvais several times in the past year. the airport was not a zoo and the shuttle to and from the airport well organized.it just takes over 1 hr unfortunately.but you can not beat the ryan air fares.The flights left and arrived on time.

  14. I don't know whether people realize that the digest is really an excellent source

    for new restaurants .as a result i have stopped reading the local papers.

    on another topic ,i am not surprised that la bamboche is closing.I always thought that their so called creative food was a me too,with no special merit and not even


  15. I guess you know about the no reservation policy.therefore dinner late monday is a good idea.

    I had dinner a month ago on monday around 9.30 and was seated immediately.i was alone but i noticed several empty seats.

    I have eaten at l'atelier several times and find that the experience varies greatly depending on what one orders ,you have a mouthful of air for 18 euros and really

    stellar dishes ; i.e caramelized quail ( 32 euros).so the key is what one orders .

    Wine list interesting and reasonable.again knowledge is important.

    overall its a new concept that delivers sometimes

  16. I had dinner a couple of years ago and found it to be uneven .i have not been back.too bad, because the chef could be creative as margarete said.

    Patricia well's restaurant reviews should be taken with a grain of salt. they are meant to titillate and entertain.Often they seem like promotions.

  17. John.I aggree with your comments and they were my thoughts exactly.

    actually i find "Where" magazine under new"hot tips dining" as a rather good source for new restaurants. Strange as it may sound since its meant for the tourists.I assume they have a good reporter his name is alexander lobrano.

    Let me know what you think?.

  18. Six of us dined a few days ago at wallse. The restaurant consists of 2 small rooms and is decorated in black and white.Black carpet and wthitewashed walls, so its rather scandinavian looking and sleek.Tables were white clothed and set apart.

    thus providing more formality and privacy.

    I started with soup that consisted of lobster raviole in a brew of tomato pulp and lobster bisque seasonned with hot paprika.Very original and yummy.

    MY main dish was spring lamb with asparagus.The ingredients were 1st class.

    the lamb was pink as requested and very tender and had that young lamb taste.

    Just wunderbar.

    Dessert was strudel with pistachio ice cream, as well as another ice cream and a ginger concoction. a refreshing and sweet ending.

    My companions had spaetzle with rabbit( ok,nothing special) and kavalierspitz,which was found to be pleasant.The venaison chop was declared as hearty and delicious.

    we drank an outstanding heidler gruner vetliner 2002 .Vibrant with acidity and delicious fruit.excellent balance and with mineral ending rather than heavy oak.

    Interesting and different white wine( $54)

    The red wine was 2002 hillinger ST laurent.It exhibited very good balance between acidity and fruit.The fruit had the softness and elegance of a good pinot noir and the lushness of grenache.again no oak aftertaste..A very interesting and different red wine ($58).

    The cost of 3 course meal was $42 .this is excellent value for the level of cuisine and service provided specially if you order well.

    Like any restaurant anywhere,the key to eating well is the choice that one makes.

  19. i am planning a 11 day tour of scotland.

    3 days in edinburgh

    2 days in inverness

    2 days on skye isle

    2 days in oban

    2 days in glasgow

    i am looking for restaurants ,where the chef uses good quality ingredients in preparing dishes that are very tasty and scottish inspired. cost up to $50 a person

    appreciate any suggestions and help.

  20. I welcome starbucks to paris .its a change.you get a lot of coffe for the price and its portable.Its not a place where you could sit and read the paper .Its always crowded and perhaps when the novelty wears off or with other openings it will become less hectic.

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