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Posts posted by wizpers

  1. Intersting stats (in french)

    Have a look,

    500 more restaurants in 2005 compare to 2001 in Montreal.

    and also

    Du côté des congrès internationaux, Montréal vit actuellement une disette provoquée par les événements du 11 septembre 2001. Comme ce genre de grands événements est planifié cinq ou six ans à l'avance, les attentats terroristes ont enrayé la machine et créé un vide qui aggrave actuellement les difficultés des restaurants haut de gamme.

  2. L'offre et la demande.

    Supply and demand.

    Montreal is a average size city, there's a lot more restaurant than patrons to fill them up...

    Also the subburbs are having a selection( not always good) of new big restaurants next to theyre homes so the island get less destination costumers... The new complexe 10-30, for example, next to brossard is planning to open 8 other restaurants after Cumulus... take your calculator...  and trust me they paid for an extensive market analisys... they are already "stealing" some costumers to "montreal".

    Subburds+condos+dynanic citizens+"pouvoir d'achat"= spending in restaurants

    Because  every body knows that we all need to attract people from outside on a saturday night. Even " white tablecloths" restaurants

    "LE SEPTIÈME CIEL N’A JAMAIS ÉTÉ SI PRÈS…" this is the line on the web-site

    Cumulus web-site

  3. L'offre et la demande.

    Supply and demand.

    Montreal is a average size city, there's a lot more restaurant than patrons to fill them up...

    Also the subburbs are having a selection( not always good) of new big restaurants next to theyre homes so the island get less destination costumers... The new complexe 10-30, for example, next to brossard is planning to open 8 other restaurants after Cumulus... take your calculator... and trust me they paid for an extensive market analisys... they are already "stealing" some costumers to "montreal".

    Subburds+condos+dynanic citizens+"pouvoir d'achat"= spending in restaurants

    Because every body knows that we all need to attract people from outside on a saturday night. Even " white tablecloths" restaurants

  4. At that level, maybe a Big bistro room can be intersting.

    -Holder can do it for sure, but I dont know if they will accept to close the place.?

    -Lemeac since they have a new curtain in case of rain or wind, with some electric heaters. Have to be in the weekdays 'cause they are really busy.

    -Or Hotels reception room, but the food!!?!

    -Toque can maybe squeeze a 150 places setting,( they have 90 regularly) if its worth it!

    - or maybe a wonderfull buffet Vichy....lol

  5. For that kind of event, and if you have the money once again, I'll go for AREA and Ian Perrrault, the guy love challenge and he can move a montain if you ask for it!

    Trust him, give the guy some lattitude and ask for quality ingredients... is gonna give it back to you

    He's a bit crazy, but sometimes it helps when you receive 400 guests

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