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Posts posted by jgarner53

  1. After just a few washings, my Chefwears started to look more like capris, and I looked like a dork.

    :laugh::laugh: Due to my height (6'1" with a 36" inseam), I always feel like I'm ready for the floodwaters! :laugh::laugh: I did treat myself to a pair of Culinary Classics women's chef's pants which I shelled out extra bucks for to get them long enough, and they're all cotton (as opposed to my other pants, which are 65/35, but were cheap), and they're at least a little better, but really, who wrote the rule that chefs/cooks are short and round?? :laugh:

    I really do feel now that I'm getting my groove together, when it comes to getting things done - a few things here and there that I realize later that I could have done more efficiently. I'm getting faster at some of the time-intensive tasks (pouring that damned custard!) and more efficient/less painstaking at others. I left work today really feeling like I'd done a lot today. I'm at that point where I have really very few questions, or if I do, they're about things I haven't done yet ("What ratio do we use for the swiss meringue that goes on the lemon tarts?") I have most of my recipes memorized, just need to look up the ones I've only made once or twice, or where we've upped the quantity.

    I even had enough energy yesterday (admittedly, Wednesdays are light) to go to the gym after work!

  2. May I ask what you did before this job? Did you have any pastry/restaurant experince before this? Any schooling?

    This is my first pastry job, though in high school I did work in a Haagen-Dazs scoop shop, briefly in the college cafeteria, and for a few months in a vegetarian restaurant/coffee house.

    I graduated from Tante Marie's pastry program in March. It's a six-month program, part-time.

    Really, it came down to being in the right place at the right time and gelling really quickly with my bosses (and being really willing to get in and help, I've been told).

  3. Saw a chicken parmesan on a restaurant menu today whose description didn't include (anywhere) the word parmesan, but it did have provolone. :blink::unsure:

    Any chicken dish that features overcooked, dry, flavorless chicken. Whether that's strips across a salad, or the main element itself. If I wanted to eat cardboard, I'd order it. Why do so many places have trouble cooking chicken properly?

    Any underseasoned ethnic dish such that the original has been watered down so as to be a tasteless pile of whatever on the plate, probably with a sauce that's too sweet to boot. Simply waving the meat carcass over the pot is not going to get you a flavorful stock, people! :angry:

  4. Definitely raw chocolate chip cookie dough. I'm with Ling in that I like it better than the finished product.

    Dough of any kind, actually: pie dough, puff pastry, even bread dough, but pie dough's my favorite - slightly salty yumminess. It's like what you imagined playdough would taste like as a kid but never did.

    Not one but two or three bowls of Cap'n Crunch with 2% (or better yet whole), or Froot Loops or Sugar Corn Pops. After all that sugar, I'd swear I could fly.

    Crispy skin rules.

  5. I love Alton Brown's chewy cookies and haven't had a problem with them being greasy or cakey. They're my favorite chocolate chip cookies. Go ahead and try them first with regular AP flour. I do mix the melted butter and sugars enough so that they come together - having a mixer does help with this, but if you go at it well with a whisk, that should work, too. Great arm workout.

    My husband's friends are such fans of these cookies that they call them "crack" cookies because they're supposedly so addicting that they surely must have crack in them.

    Give it a try. The chewy recipe's my favorite chocolate chip recipe to date. It does really help to get the batter good and chilled before you scoop it out. Otherwise it's too soft from the melted butter. Good luck!

  6. Thanks, everybody, for the words about my cat. Spanky's been with me his whole 16 plus years, longer than my husband, and I simply can't imagine what it will be like when he's not here anymore. Right now I'm grateful for every day he's here and cherish the snuggles he gives me, purring on my chest early in the morning or sitting on my lap.

    I'll try to take pictures of work soon. I still feel kind of weird about it, and will ask my boss what she thinks.

    Simdelish, I can't believe you have to go up/down three flights of stairs! What a nightmare.

    I do wear standard chef's baggy pants, a t-shirt, and (if it's clean), a short-sleeved chef's jacket. I have good Dansko clogs, so my feet aren't really a problem (except when they are because I do have foot problems that predate this job)

    As for the French toast, this is what we do. The South San Francisco bakery (where even more bread is done) sends us loaves and loaves of brioche. We let it sit for several days to begin staling before using. I take however many loaves I need (8 loaves for 5 pans, 17 loaves for the Friday/Saturday numbers) down to our slicer and slice them up, then back upstairs. The flexis are 12 cups to a full sheet pan, each one about 3.5-4 inches in diameter, straight sided wells. I lay out stacks of 3 slices of bread and cut them into rounds to fit into the flexi. Each serving is 3 slices of bread and one cup (give or take) of custard.

    The custard is equal parts milk and cream, sugar, eggs, and a bit of vanilla. It's poured over the bread, then the tops are dusted with more sugar. We try to let them sit for half an hour or so before baking, to allow the bread to soak up more custard, but that isn't always possible. They bake for half an hour in our convection ovens, then come out to cool as long as possible. To depan, I place a sheet of parchment and another sheetpan on top and flip the whole thing over, and then set the French toasts right side up. This is my least favorite part of the whole process because the custard is slimy. We get 24 to a sheet pan when they're depanned, and then it's cater wrapped and taken downstairs to the walk in. The next morning they're delivered to the colonies, who just have to reheat and serve, with syrup or jam or whatever. They're served at Galette and Café du Soleil, I think, and I'm not sure where else.

    As for the cannelés, I personally find them very very sweet and not very appealing, but other people dig them. It's just a matter of personal preference. I'd rather have a macaroon, or something custardy. I posted a picture of them in the cannelé thread.

    Almass, I can't tell you much about the babas. They're baked downstairs, and we just soak them in the syrup (which has vanilla and orange peel in it), add the rum (a dark Bacardi), glaze, and top with cooked apples. There are even little old ladies who come in and complain that there isn't enough rum in them! :wacko::laugh:

    Annie, I actually have trouble falling asleep, even when I'm exhausted, because my brain just doesn't want to shut off. I could be yawning and ready to sleep, but get me into bed, and the brain just doesn't shut down (part of it may be the time of year, when it's still light out). I try to get to bed by 8:30, but usually don't fall asleep before 9.

  7. I realized on Sunday that I'd been at my pastry job - my first pastry job - for a month now. It's exciting, exhausting, fascinating, and eye-opening. It ain't no picnic, and it ain't no glamorous Food Network show, to be sure. But I do like it quite a bit, am learning a lot, love the people I work with, where I work (except for the rather stingy vacation policy, but that's another thread), and the kind of work I do. Here's a peek into my day.

    3:45 am and the alarm goes off. If I'm lucky, I'm already awake, usually because the bathroom is calling or a cat wants breakfast. I slip out of bed, dress in the bathroom so as not to wake my husband, grab a quick breakfast, and head out by 4:30. While normally I shower in the morning, I'd rather sleep those extra minutes and just wash my face instead. Besides, I always need a shower at the end of my shift anyway. :wink:

    My shift starts at 5am, Wednesday through Sunday, though because of various vacations and whatnot, I've only actually worked that shift I think two weeks. Last week, for example, I worked Tuesday-Saturday and got a three-day weekend. I work here, where we bake close to 3000 loaves a day, pastries for our own shop, plus pastries (and bread) for all the restaurants and satellite stores in the company, as well as several other wholesale accounts.

    At the ground level is the store and behind that, the main bakery -- all the big equipment: massive deck oven, roll-in oven (I'm not sure of it's technical name, but two rolling racks go in and rotate around), walk in fridge and freezer, dough dividers, proof box, 20-qt, 60-qt, and two spiral mixers, sheeter, and a 3-door reach in. Behind that is a garage, where products are packed for delivery, more food is stored, and we have more reach-in freezers and refrigerators. On any given day, there are 4-5 bread bakers, most of whom work the graveyard shift, 3-4 pastry bakers, and a prep cook or two who also usually assemble all the sandwiches.

    My kitchen, the pastry kitchen, is upstairs, off the store. The whole upstairs was once a flat, so the front rooms are now offices, one of the back bedrooms is a storage area for us, and the kitchen is our workspace. It's been modified with a double convection oven, and we have a two-door reach-in and several rolling racks, work tables, flour and sugar bins, and the like, but as you might imagine, we have to make a lot of trips up and down the stairs.

    In my kitchen, there are four of us. Keri, the exec PC, has been with the company almost since the beginning, when it was just her and one other baker. The assistant PC has been there years as well, and the other pastry cook over four years. This does not seem to be a high-turnover location, so I feel lucky to have gotten in. It's also one of the top French bakeries in San Francisco; many of our customers are French. I think we are probably the only bakery in the city to make cannelés, and one of only two (that I can think of) to make macarons.

    Our days off are staggered, so that at the beginning and end of the week, when it's slower, there are fewer of us, and the busy days (Thursday-Saturday), we are all four there. But it's also vacation season, so we're making do with just three for a while. Four of us in the kitchen gets crowded at times.

    For now, I'm learning to do new things slowly, as the opportunity arises. I should say, "learn the company way" because it's not like I haven't made rugelach dough before, or piped filling into an éclair. Most of the first tasks I've been given have been the simpler ones, even if they might be more labor/time intensive. They need to get done regardless, and they're tough to screw up.

    At the beginning of each day, we have to finish pastries for the morning, and my first task is always finishing the fruit tarts. The size of the order depends on the day and how many special orders there are. It can take me anywhere from two to four hours, depending. There are strawberry and mixed fruit tartlets, 9-inch, and just 11-inch mixed fruit. And where's the fruit? Well some of it might be in our back room's reach-in, leftover from yesterday, but likely as not, I'll make a trip downstairs (25 of them) to restock and get a fresh flat of strawberries. For every trip, one way or the other, we try not to make them empty handed. I'm getting stronger every day, and every day my muscles are sore and achy. Advil is my new best friend. :laugh: At first, I could only carry one sheet pan at a time, but now I can do two (and believe me - carrying two down precipitous stairs is hairy, no matter how many times you do it). Cases of milk and cream, 20-lb bags of the liquid eggs we use, empty sheet pans for the next day, it all has to come up the stairs. Finished product, dirty sheet or flexipans, empty dairy crates, etc. all have to go down the stairs (and through the store, I might add, particularly fun when it's busy, crowded with the stroller set and people bent over studying the cases). Fortunately, our dishwasher is kind enough to tote up bags of flour and sugar.

    After the fruit tarts, I might make our goat cheese tarts (a mixture of goat cheese and cream cheese, topped with fruit) or head straight into the French toast, depending on the day. Our production list and tasks isn't really assigned, though there are certain tasks that always tend to fall to the same people. Daniel does caramel, Stephanie is the master of choux paste, Keri does the grand-mère cake, and so on.

    We are equipped upstairs with a basic 6-quart Kitchen Aid, and we have the only stove, so the downstairs people come up, and we make enough pastry cream for both upstairs and down. We go downstairs when we need to mix the few large batches that we do: rugelach dough, cornmeal upside down cake batter, use the sheeter, etc. Being upstairs, we also do most of our own dishes - prep items, mostly. Things like sheet pans and flexipans go downstairs to the dish station.

    The French toast is easy, but labor and time intensive. I cut rounds of brioche slices, place them in flexis, and then pour a cup of custard mix (milk, cream, sugar, eggs, vanilla) over each. Pour too fast, and the custard splashes all over. Pour too slow, and the process takes too long. I've learned to pour as fast as I can without the custard making a mess. It's usually either 5 pans or 10 (or 11), and once they're baked and cooled, they're depanned and set up 24 to a sheet (and they are heavy), cater-wrapped, and brought downstairs to the walk-in for the next day's delivery.

    The other big thing I do most days is the cannelé batter, 12 liters of it, in two big plastic dough proofing bowls. It's a whisking workout to try to incorporate the eggs, yolks, and rum into the flour and sugar and have as few lumps as possible. The batter fills four 8-quart containers when it's done, and we bake anywhere from 3-5 pans a day. And each of those molds must be brushed with a mixture of melted beeswax and butter, a dirty, messy task that luckily I don't have to do every day.

    Yesterday, for the first time, I got to finish the éclairs, learning how we pipe in the pastry cream (differently for store pastries than ones that will be packed), as well as pouring and baking off some of the brulées for one of our restaurants, and making the devil's food cake that we use. It was a big day of new things, mainly because the other pastry cook wasn't there, and I was glad to have so many tasks, rather than just fruit tarts, French toast, and cannelé, which can happen on a Friday or Saturday.

    On any given day, our kitchen produces: napoleons, lemon and lime meringue tartlets and tarts, black and white mousse cakes (assembled downstairs, glazed upstairs), fruit tarts and tartlets, chocolate ganache tarts, grand-mère cake (biscuit filled with whipped cream & strawberries, and topped with buttercream), babas au rum, éclairs, St. Honoré (small and large), chocolate kirsch mousse cakes, baked raspberry custards, mini tart tatins, upside down cakes, goat cheese tarts, tiny lemon sesame shortbread and rosemary biscuits, rugelach, cannelés of course, and for the satellites, crème brulées, chocolate pots de crème, and tuiles. Downstairs, they do the bread, croissants, Danish and other breakfast pastry, rustic fruit tarts, and all the savory items: quiches, pissaladière, etc, as well as the macarons and giant baked meringues, financiers, madeleines, and cookies.

    My biggest hurdle still is getting used to the hours (mostly going to bed so early), and the ache in my back. I try to concentrate on my posture, but being tall doesn't help, especially when I spend half my shift on the fruit tarts. I find myself bending way over to arrange a stubborn or slippery piece of fruit, only to have to straighten out again. Then there's the bending for the (lower) oven, sugar and flour, and the general stress of carrying heavy loads up and down the stairs. Will I eventually get used to it? I hope so. I really like the people I work with; they're smart, talented, and very kind.

    One of the best parts of my day is hearing the exec PC say "thank you so much" at the end of the day. On Friday, I got some bad news about my cat (he has cancer) and was a bit blubbery. She came over and quietly asked if I wanted to take a few minutes. Since there wasn't really anything I could do about the situation, I thanked her, grateful for her compassion, bucked up, splashed some water on my face, and kept on working.

    We don't really take breaks - most of you in the business can understand that - though I do get essentially a fruit salad every morning from the fruit nubbins leftover from my tarts, and we can eat just about anything in the bakery for free. On Sundays I'll grab a croissant hot from the oven (oh wow is that amazing), and other days, I'll usually grab a sandwich, or occasionally a quiche. If I get hungry mid-shift, I'll grab a walnut or olive roll as I go through the bakery. I can bring home loaves of bread or small pastries for free, and if I want a large tart, I order it ahead of time so it can be added to the production, and pay half price for it. If nothing else, I'm well-fed, even if I am working it all off going up and down stairs all day.

    And that's my life in my new career. It's 100% more exhausting than I thought it would be, and sometimes I question why I'm doing this when I could be sitting in a nice air-conditioned office, but overall I think I made the right choice. I would be happier if they'd make chef's pants with elastic waistbands that didn't make me sweat so much. Ick. :raz::laugh:

    Wow. i just realized that this post is very, very long. Hope I didn't bore you all!

  8. Great demo! Thanks for sharing it! I learned from my internship to add some of the cream (maybe half a cup) to the gelatin sheets when you melt them, then pour that in all at once. You'd think the warm/hot cream would affect the stuff on the mixer, but it didn't.

    At work, we use either Berkeley Farms or Clover Manufacturing Cream - no stabilizers in it, and we don't add any. It holds up great.

  9. I use the technique outlined in achevres' Cherry-Raspberry pie (cook some of the juice with cornstarch until it thickens) in my cherry pie, and I agree that Trader Joe's Sour Montmorency Cherries are outstanding. The recipe I actually follow is from my ancient Better Homes & Gardens cookbook - the first cookbook I got when I went out on my own. Basic. Simple. Good.

  10. Ruth, be careful with the croissants. Several of us here have had less than stellar results with the croissants - perhaps Dorie could be of some assistance here. When I tried them (admittedly the first time I'd tried making croissants, though not my first laminated dough), I really struggled to get the dough to the dimensions specified in the recipe (and I had the episode on my Tivo, too, and would go back and forth between the living room and my kitchen).

    When I proofed the croissants that I did get (nowhere near the yield stated in the recipe, due in large part, I'm sure, to my struggles during the lamination process), they seriously leaked butter, which could mean that I proofed them too warm, but I was very disappointed at the end result, considering how much work I'd put into the croissants to begin with.

    I'm not trying to discourage you from trying the croissants in the book, just alerting you that it's a tricky recipe that requires plenty of time and patience. Knowing more now than I did then, I'd advise you to put the dough back in the fridge if it starts resisting you when you are rolling it out.

  11. I'll jump on board the anti-popcorn jelly belly bandwagon. I live close enough to the Jelly Belly factory here in California that I took a niece and nephew there one summer day a few years ago. You can't actually go onto the factory floor (for health and safety reasons), but you can observe it from above, and you also watch a video about how the beans are produced. Apparently, jelly bellies are the only jelly beans where both the center and outer coating are flavored, which explains their concentrated flavor.

    I don't eat them much, but occasionally get a hankering for their sour varieties. I did love them (almost all flavors except coconut and black licorice) when I was a kid, though.

  12. Last two weeks, there have been a lot of chocolate cakes going out the door with a milk chocolate toffee buttercream filling... people love the unexpected crunch of toffee in the otherwise smooth buttercream....

    I remember my mom frosting an angel food cake with a chocolate whipped cream with chunks of Heath bar folded in at some point when I was little. I loved that cake and the crunchy bits!

  13. Based on the conversation here, I'd say I probably haven't been whipping mine enough - as suggested, I'm always afraid I'm going to end up with butter! Next time, I will try whipping longer.

    One technique you can try is to stop whipping just before you think you should (or when you normally do now), and finish it up by hand. You'll be surprised at how little work that takes by that point, and then you don't have to worry about overwhipping.

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