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petite tête de chou

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Posts posted by petite tête de chou

  1. Anyone make anything good last night? I had Friday off so did some pork ribs that I marinated in coffee first and then slow grilled. YUMMMMMM...

    What did you eat?


    Ribs n- coffee. Love both! What did you serve with those delicious ribs? Did you add anything to the coffee marinade or was it straight joe? Gas grill? Charcoal? I use my gas grill quite a bit but I miss the down-to-earthiness of my Weber kettle. Poor thing sits in my garage waiting... :rolleyes:

  2. My husband looked up Sebastians and said that it had closed. Perhaps the owner has finally followed his dream to be an actor. :rolleyes:

    Yeah, the smarmy god-like status accorded Ramsay was too much to swallow. I just don't believe that all of the restaurants and those who work in them are doing as well as what was presented. Especially that Mr. Freak Out on Steroids guy, Peter. My experience is that hardcore dysfunctional behavior takes a bit more time and effort to correct than even a celebrity British chef can provide.

  3. I love and even adore some the ingredients for gazpacho and similar chilled soups but I'm always reminded of salsa and that just *maybe* I should be looking for chips to eat it with instead of a spoon! I'm obviously in need of need schooling. Are there recommendations for a chilled soup that doesn't recall memories of a better-with-chips salsa, fruit topping or melon soup?

  4. Hi Chris. I like quite a bit of heat in my food, too. So perhaps double the amount of habaneros? Too much? Also, do you find that habañeros have that often referred to "fruity" flavor about them? When I was first getting into chilies I wasn't too sure what that meant but I think that I do now. And while habañeros are bud-searing they really do have an almost diabolically citrus note about them.

    I have a Weber that needs new handles- are your plastic or ceramic or something else entirely? They look nice and sturdy.

    And that picture of your wet (oily?) hands with the flowers in the forefront, the milk, the vitamin..it just sings of happy, attentive domesticity. Love it!

  5. Our usual is romaine, cucumber, radishes, some sort of onion (red, walla walla or scallions) and tomato with blue cheese dressing, topped with sunflower seeds. My husband likes lots of stuff in his salad so I'll often add celery, a bit of broccoli and julienned carrots. Personally, I don't care for a crowded bowl and have been known to blow through an entire head of iceberg lettuce within two days if the blue cheese is especially good.

  6. Rose geranium is also very nice infused in a pouring custard (creme anglaise).  The flavor goes great with strawberries, blue and blackberries.

    I recently made some lavender syrup with culinary lavender.  I haven't done anything fancy with it dessert-wise yet, but we've been enjoying it at breakfast as a sweetner for chopped nectarines and blueberries.

    Lavender syrup soaked into lemon pound cake is very good. I imagine a sorbet of some sort would be good with the cake, too.


    The hops in your tisane shouldn't be the source of the bitterness... their bitterness doesn't come out until the alpha acids are isomerized by boiling in a the presence of the right catalyst molecules.

    Wormwood, on the other hand, doesn't need to jump through any hoops to bring tons of bitterness.

    Good to know. Thanks. :smile:


    I've made a tisane that included dried hops in the mixture. Mildly sedative and remarkably bitter but that could've been the wormwood. Ick.

  7. I like peas with cream though, like the others, I prefer them raw as I do most of my vegetables. The creamy, buttery sauce with peas is awfully good served over poached sole.

  8. What I was growing up in upstate New York my grandmother and mother used to make a chilled raspberry frosting that was very fluffy and very easy to make.  Over the years I've lost track of a recipe to make it.  I remember it had very few ingredients, I do remember fresh raspberries and I believe granulated sugar and I don't remember anything else (if there was).  You dumped everything into a chilled bowl and whipped it at high speed until it almost looked like pink whipped cream.  It was served over angel food or pound cake and was totally delicious.

    Has anyone else ever had anything like this?  Hopefully someone will remember a recipe.


    It sounds like a whipped cream frosting. I've eaten this with a spoon, sans cake. :laugh:

    Like this?

  9. Okay I just picked all the nettle tops I had on my side of the fence...

    Do I use JUST the leaves? Should I wash first?

    I hope I have an answer to this by the time I get back from Wawa....

    BTW-my elbow was confirmation that I do indeed have Nettles!

    If the stems are young they should be tender enough to use. Yes, wash them first. What are you planning to do with those elbow-stinging plants? :biggrin:

  10. 13 of 20. I certainly wasn't raised in a household that used silver of any kind. I wish! I've always loved how beautiful the different pieces are. Who knew that a slice of tomato, spear of asparagus or scoop of vanilla ice-cream could warrant the use of such sparkly, amazingly detailed forks and spoons? :wub: Perhaps if children were served their vegetables with these lovely utensils they'd like them more!

  11. I made these latka's back in December.  They were amazing, the best ones I've ever made.  Once again CI's method comes through!!


    Nice! Did you use the optional matzo meal? I'd like to make them but don't have the meal. Does it make a big difference?

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