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Posts posted by SteveW

  1. Since the Ouest restaurant is such high profile, I'm guessing it was on Mark Bittman's radar. Maybe he tried the food at the restaurant, & wasn't impressed. Or it was on his itinerary, but ultimately couldn't find the time to drop by, on such a short stay to Vancouver(assuming he only mentioned restaurants that he personally ate at). I find for these type of stories, writers often mention the same damn 5-10 restaurants in whatever city. Of the restaurants that Mark profiled, I recognized every one. The 4 others that he listed as worthy, I recognize all except for one(The Pear Tree). And I never ever been to Vancouver before. What type of food does The Pear Tree serve(it's actually in Burnaby)? Whenever I see stories about the Montreal restaurant scene, I almost always see the same couple of restaurants w/no changes from everybody else. If a writer, feels a certain restaurant(s), is over-rated(or no good), but is somehow compelled to list & write about it, because it's a institution. Then they should be absolutely honest, & say it's over-rated. I don't want anybody to pull any punches. IMO, that's how myths are perpetuated. Maybe some writers are lazy, & don't do the research on their own. What I'm saying here, is not focusing on any one writer. More of an general comment.



  2. Is their quick way Marc, to know when any of the 20 new episodes of Great Chefs of the World, will air anytime soon(I have all the previous episodes '... of the World' series on videotape)? Now I need to check the Travel Channel website daily, to their daily schedule of the 4 different episodes descriptions, but it's very very time consuming. Previously Great Chefs had their own website, which listed every episode, & any upcoming airings. Actually I'm looking for information of episodes #1 to #30 of Great Chefs Great Chefs(all these episodes I don't have on videotape).



  3. I would appreciate the restaurant giving the detailed information, if it is accurate. I remember several years ago on Montreal local television, the head chef of Montreal seafood restaurant Maestro SVP stated live on-air that he uses diver scallops for his restaurant. I got excited, as I never heard of a Montreal restaurant using diver scallops. After doing some investigation of my own(originally Maestro SVP would not tell me, from what distributor they get their diver scallops). Eventually I located their distributor. It turns out, the Maestro SVP diver scallops come frozen to them. These were huge scallops(the largest I've ever seen), but in my eyes, they shouldn't have called them diver scallops(also listed on their menu as such).



  4. In previous years, Gourmet magazine compiled their Top 10 restaurants & etc. in the major different cities across North America, from soliciting comments from their subscribers in those cities(not all the subscribers were chosen in each of those cities, for comments). That's how they explain it at the time.



  5. Maybe an equally great discussion would be Peter Luger' Porterhouse steaks vs Lobel's Porterhouse steaks!! Both of these establishments have often been considered of getting the best steaks. Any opinions from the NYC steak experts here, which have the better porterhouses???



  6. Marc, which part of Asia are the Great Chefs crew planning to go this time? From my knowledge(mostly based on knowing the Hong Kong restaurant scene fairly well), the top chefs in Asia with an exception or two(excluding the chefs that appear on the Japanese Iron Chefs program). are totally anonymous to the public. I would like to see the top Asian-based chefs in action, creating their best dishes.

    Just curious, has the Great Chefs organization seriously considered, doing a series of shows in Canada? Thanks for responding to my yesterday posting.



  7. The Great Chef series is not on the Discovery Channel for the fall season. What happened to it? Hope it is not cancelled. If it is on the television schedule on another network Marc Cosnard des Closets(excluding Discovery Home & Leisure Channel, where they air the older episodes), please tell me. Presuming it is still in production, where in the world are the Great Chef series filming this year? It wouldn't make sense to start Great Chefs magazine, but discontinue the television series



  8. Thanks Toby, I think you answered my question about the differences conclusively. It's been interesting watching from the sidelines. checking all the replies. I was clueless to the answer, so I couldn't contribute any more.

    I wonder before the air-pump days, how people pumped air below the skin to make Peking Duck? Do some people in China still make the Peking duck the old fashioned way(no air pump used)?

    BTW, if people here don't know Gray Kunz had a stint working in Hong Kong running a kitchen. Maybe that's where he got his duck dish.



  9. This is a continuation, from the NY board when we were discussing the "Best Chinese seafood in Flushing." I was wondering what are the differences between Peking duck and Cantonese duck? Until recently I thought there was only Peking duck.

    Could it be that there's no difference between the two, except for the name? Peking duck is associated with upscale dining, while Cantonese duck would be at the other Chinese restaurants.



  10. I like my Italian gelato rock hard, instead of soft(it gives a totally different taste to me). Most places serve gelato soft, with the exceptions of their gelato based desserts. Sicilian gelato is different from the other Italian gelato, in that it rarely contains eggs or cream.

  11. Lesley, if Schwartz's is nothing to fuss over about, why did you put this restaurant in your new Flavourville book??? BTW, I fully agree what you wrote here, Snowdon Deli's smoked meat is better. I've been telling people for many many years, that Snowdon Deli has the best smoked meat in Montreal. Until Steven Shaw agreed with me several years ago, I thought I was the only one with this opinion. Schwartz's steaks are pretty good(in the Flavourville book, you cite for Schwartz's their smoked meat & steaks).

    For Gourmando, Snowdon Deli has two kinds of Montreal smoked meat(Old Fashioned & regular). To get Old Fashioned smoked meat you have to request it (regular is what is served, if a person only asks for smoked meat). I even find Snowdon Deli's regular smoked meat better than Schwartz's smoked meat. Dunn's did close for several years in Montreal, after being opened for many decades(their Ottawa location stayed open all this time). While their strawberry cheesecake commercial operation for retailers/restaurants never closed. However close to two years ago, they re-opened at a different location on St. Catherine street. Their current Montreal smoked meat is better than previously, with a new recipe.

  12. I just happen to notice a new Cynthia David food article today. This is before reading now, the Degustation posted information, offering the link to Cynthia & Lesley PWAC workshop(thanks!). Now I remember this workshop, but forgot that Cynthia David was involved. Is Cynthia that influential in Toronto? Her name doesn't seem to ever come up in Toronto food writing circles!



  13. I've known the name of James Chatto for many years. Known him for his food writing work in Toronto Life magazine. More recently, James authored a book in late-1998 titled the "Man who ate Toronto:memoirs of a food critic." Don't know how much he's respected, beyond what is written in the Ryerson Review article.

    Concerning Lesley Chesterman. To mainly inform eGullet members outside Montreal, she just came out with a book titled "Flavourville", which is subtitled Lesley Chesterman's Guide to Dining Out in Montreal. The heart of the book, is the fine dining restaurant reviews, that originally appeared for her weekly review column in the Montreal Gazette newspaper. Lesley when warranted has updated these reviews, & probably revisited many of these restaurants for the book. In addition, she has added totally new shorter reviews of casual Montreal restaurants.

    Flavourville first came out in Montreal, the first week of May. I discovered the existence of the Flavourville book by accident, when I found out through one of the featured Montreal restaurants in the book(just after the first week of May). I was aware that Lesley was planning this type of book, but didn't realize it would come out so soon.

    Flavourville seems to have distribution in the United States & the rest of Canada. Lesley herself, I'm sure could fill in more details about the book.



  14. Degustation, thanks for your in-depth reply to my Pusateri's question. I last went to Pusateri's around 2 1/2+ years ago. At that time, I went there for my brother's wedding(he lived there for several years & the same one currently visiting Toronto). I can't remember with 100% certainty, if during that time, I managed to find the time to drop by Pusateri's. If not, I went there a month or two earlier in another trip to Toronto. In my fairly superficial check of Pusateri's on two visits there, I was impressed with their selection. I remember their very expensive balsamic vinegar selection. They had just brought in Argentine beef & US Prime grade beef, on my last visit. I didn't realize until you mention here, that portions of their stock comes from local provisioners & minor/major Toronto bakeries.

     For your future visit to the Toronto Whole Foods Market, I'm would be interested in their meats selection. Any wild game meats & the quality of their natural/organic beef. Would they consider carrying the organic/natural Niman Ranch steaks. I don't know any Canadian outlet carrying Niman Ranch products. I'm aware of several shops in Montreal carrying natural/organic beef. These beef seemed to be leaner, & the Montreal shops charge premium prices. Since what you said in a previous posting regarding Whole Foods Market, I would be interested in your opinions on their prepared foods. Also if you can compare their prices, in relation to the other Toronto stores, for same or similiar products. It seems from the postings so far, that they overcharge for many products.



  15. Degustation, what do you think of Pusateri's in all aspects(their prices, selection, quality, etc.)? Since my last visit there, they have expanded(bigger premises, more exclusive selections). Is their anything better than Pusateri's IYO?

    If you plan on going to the new Toronto Whole Foods Market location soon, gives us a report on it. I'll ask my brother to check it out, as he's currently visiting Toronto for the next week or two, before leaving to return back to his current home overseas.

    Not sure if it is considered interesting, but I hear that the Outback Steakhouse is coming to Montreal soon. The Toronto-area Outback Steakhouse location is apparently using Alberta beef(US locations using US Sterling Silver beef). Currently I can't think of even one US Steakhouse chain in the Montreal market. I still very much prefer the independent steakhouse restaurants, but the lack of steak chains clearly illustrates that Montreal is not a steak town(that's changing slightly in recent years). Too too much people in Montreal still prefer a lean steak & lean smoked meat!!!



  16. ....and they're rumours of Krispy Kreme donuts coming to province of Quebec, after the huge opening day success several months ago, of their first location outside the United States(opened just outside Toronto). The Toronto-area Krispy Kreme had the largest opening day sales of any Krispy Kreme shop in the world.

     Lesley, have you heard of any other interesting restaurant/food rumours, concerning possibly coming to Montreal?



  17. I haven't heard any rumors of Whole Foods Market coming to Montreal, but about 10 days ago it was announced that this organic & natural food operation is coming to the upscale Yorkville section of Toronto. From the reports, it seems Whole Foods Market is focusing on the high end upscale market. The Toronto store would be the first for them, outside the United States.



  18. I'm curious Steve Klc, could you elaborate on your opinions of writer Marcy Goldman? She comes from this area(Montreal, Canada). I've enjoyed her food writings in the past, but never seen her articles in the Washington Post(I was aware that she wrote for the Post). However at least one person with a baking background has told me, that she is unimpressed with Marcy's writings. Marcy speciality is baking, from what I gather.



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