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  1. I see chef g indicated that Alinea would have a food lab. I wonder if the lab will have a separate staff, one solely dedicated to the discovery and documenting of new dishes, or will the entire staff be involved in a more freeform creative environment.
  2. chizzy


    Has their been any new news about the website?
  3. chizzy


    Chef G, I dont know if your taking resumes yet but I would love to be a part of your new venture. I've been working on a few techniques that you might be interested in, crispy srirachi (not sugar/egg white paper), "sugar cured" melons and pit fruits, gel tempura, "smooth" citrus water (you cant evaporate it like a vinegar), flavored salts (not just chopping up nuts with sea salt). Where can I send you the recipes? bill_pls_barb@hotmail.com
  4. chizzy


    how many seats do you hope to have at your new place
  5. chizzy


    Good question, are you taking stages or hiring yet?
  6. If you want to take a little drive, Michel Bras is not to far.
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