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Everything posted by rgruby

  1. https://www.saveur.com/culture/print-is-back/ I hope they are successful in putting out a quality product and making a go of it. We shall see I guess. Cheers, Geoff
  2. Ok, I don’t have much more in the flavour pairing department lurking on my shelves. The Elements of Taste by Kunz and Kaminsky A couple books by Dornenburg and Page. There’s also the Ruhlman book Ratio but I don’t think I ever looked at it. Cheers, Geoff
  3. Forgot about the Gray Kunz book and a couple others that delve into flavour pairing that are lurking amongst my cookbooks. Will add the others after I get back home.
  4. There’s also the books that go into how to pair flavours. Secret Ingredients by Micheal Roberts Taste by Sybil Kapoor Taste + Flavour by Tom Kime Flavor by Rocco DiSpirito The Art of Flavor by Daniel Patterson The flavor Thesaurus by Niki Segnit and Samin’s book as mentioned above, and I’m sure many others. I don’t know how many of those are still in print. They just happen to be the ones gathering dust on my bookshelf. Cheers, Geoff
  5. Ok, when I started this thread I was just passing on a significant local restaurant closure, or so I thought. Didn’t intend it to be a referendum on Chang, thought that was well trod ground at this point, although perhaps not in the context of the Toronto outposts. Anyhow, threads take on a life of their own, as this one has, and that’s fine. Just for some further context employees have been apparently offered $2000 if they will stay on until the last day, Dec.23. Whether that’s actually a good deal or not I don’t know as after the hols restaurants are typically slow here and not hiring. Generalizing. Cheers, Geoff
  6. Not renewing their lease. I never ate there. Wanted to, just never happened. Cheers, Geoff
  7. Bit surprised by a few things. The relative lack of high end French like Scaramouche and Canoe in the star and Bib lists. The amount of Mexican in the Bib and the lack of Asian from Scarborough or the northern burbs in there and the long list. Well, the relatively small number of restaurants in the Bib period. Again, not sure it was a great investment. Although we don’t know the terms I suppose. Cheers, Geoff
  8. No idea where the 74 number comes from. I saw it in a tweet. ??? Ok, édit, list of 74 here https://guide.michelin.com/ca/en/ontario/toronto/restaurants Cheers, Geoff
  9. Here’s the list. https://guide.michelin.com/ca/en/article/michelin-star-revelation/2022-toronto-michelin-stars?utm_medium=ORGSOC&utm_source=twitter&utm_campaign=Experience-ENG-Partnership-&utm_content=MICHELIN-Experience-MTP-Red+Guide-Partnership-B2A Bit surprised how heavy on Japanese inspired it leans. And Yorkville, but I haven’t eaten at any of those so can’t really comment. Have eaten at one of the selections and wouldn’t have made my list, but that’s just me. Am interested in the Bib Gourmand selections. Cheers, Geoff
  10. I still haven’t seen the full list but it’s apparently one two star - sushi- twelve one stars including one in Thornhill which would leave the rest as Bib Gourmand and green accolades. Not sure what to think, if accurate. Maybe not a great investment on our part? Cheers, Geoff
  11. Results in tonight. Apparently 74 restaurants recognized. Cheers, Geoff
  12. Can’t believe it’s been four years.
  13. Will be interesting to see if they go beyond the a French inspired high end spots, and get out to the suburbs, for instance. Cheers, Geoff
  14. Ok. Nobody? I got them for Christmas. And devoured them and? Well, they plough similar fields but both left me wanting. Vitalés was obviously mote focused on the shoots and editing while Woolever’s was wider in scope and had more family stuff. Both entertaining reads, don’t get me wrong. I just felt, do we get the real Tony here? Or is it still too close to his passing? Neither shied away from some negative stuff but it really felt like in the last year or two of his life he was in a really dark place. And his interpersonal relationships suffered accordingly. As did the shows in some ways. Body doubles? ok, I probably need to go back and reread these to give a more honest review. Yes, entertaining. The last word? Maybe not. Cheers, Geoff
  15. Anybody check out the new biographies? If so, are they worth picking up? Cheers, Geoff
  16. rgruby

    Steven Shaw

    I too am someone who rarely posts here anymore. I think my last one may have been to wish Steven well when he retired from here. But despite that, I still check what's going on in egullet land almost every day. So thank you Steven, and Jason, for building something that has been an important part of my, and many, many other people's lives. My condolences to Steven's family, friends, and colleagues. Geoff
  17. Hmmm. Upon reflection, might not be Lucky Peach. Just know it is something I read in the not too distant past. Fast Food Nation maybe? Cheers, Geoff
  18. I have a bunch of books that purport to explore/ discuss the whys of flavor pairing. They include: The Flavor Bible and Culinary Artistry by Page and Dornenburg. The Flavor Thesaurus by Niki Segnit. Taste by Sybil Kapoor Taste + Flavour by Tom Kime Flavor by Rocco Dispirito Secret Ingredients by Michael Roberts The Elements of Taste by Gray Kunz and Peter Kaminsky. I'd categorize the first three as mainly lists of good/ traditional flavour pairings. The latter two books are basically cookbooks that have very brief discussions on the matter. The middle ones might be a bit more in depth, but honestly I haven't looked at them in ages. The Kime book also had a different title in its UK edition. None of them, to my memory, look at this subject from a scientific perspective. Herve This might have done some work along those lines. So maybe Harold McGee. I think McGee may have had an article related to your topic in a recent Lucky Peach mag. I could be wrong about that. Then there'd probably be lots of stuff in the industrial food/ scientific literature. I think McGee (or maybe Bourdain) recently wrote a piece about the synthetic flavour factories in New Jersey and some of the research done by/ for them. Those journals/ industry mags would be worth looking into perhaps. Best of luck with your thesis! Cheers, Geoff
  19. The new Fuschia Dunlop book (out in the UK already - mentioned in another thread) has me quite interested. Moreso than anything from 2012. Cheers, Geoff
  20. Anybody know if this is being translated into English? I thought there was a thread on here that suggested that was the case? Cheers, Geoff
  21. Yeah, that's what I understand - it's more about the pot than anything else. As for the Indian food one - I think the addition of spices at the end is for aroma, and the early addition is for flavour. I also like books that get into the "why". Cheers, Geoff
  22. I think Kawartha and Harmony both make eggnog - at least they have in the past. Might be better than the Neilsen/ Sealtest/ store-brand stuff. Cheers, Geoff
  23. Dave, Thanks for doing this. I still have fond memories of the last one and can't believe it was five years ago. At the time I remember thinking, jeez, I hope he does this once a season so we can see how the the produce changes and how that affects what you're cooking/ eating. Can you tell us a little bit more about that. Do folks around there still tend to cook fairly seasonally? Or has the presence of large, modern supermarkets changed that? Interesting about goose. Last time I was in France was around this time of year and we were in the southwest and gesiers (I think they were called?) - goose gizzards - were on just about every menu. Can't remember eating actual goose apart from that, but I had those a few times. Cheers, Geoff
  24. Somehow I missed this. So, in the better late than never department: Steven, Best wishes in your new endeavor! Cheers, Geoff
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