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Posts posted by Dryden

  1. I hope the UWS appreciates and understands that very few are serving this level of food at these prices.  Really, they have a gem on their hands.

    We do, but it makes us miss Onera even more.

  2. The first time we went to the French Laundry, we left feeling like we were going to explode. Then, the first time we went to Per Se, we went prepared (we thought). But then we ordered the 1x1 tasting, and the food kept coming forever, and I think we did explode.

    There's a little less food now, which is good, but anyone who thinks they'd eat there and walk away hungry is either crazy or needs to have their stomach stapled.

  3. Having grown up in NYC in the 80s and early 90s, back then, there was no way you would get carded anywhere, for almost anything. I used to go to bars in alphabet city and soho with my (slightly older) sister when I was 14 and 15 without any kind of problem - now, I was a tall kid, but had quite a babyface - the truth is, no one cared. And certainly never had a problem in a restaurant at all, with my parents or alone. Never heard about anyone else having a problem, either.

    When I went to school in Boston, that was the first time the ID thing ever came up (I didn't have a fake ID - I never needed one). My folks took me somewhere, ordered wine, and they refused to serve me. This came back to one of those "You're kidding, right?" kind of discussions, and some kind of compromise was reached whereby my parents served me and the restaurant looked the other way.

    If I was with someone who was underage in a nice establishment and they were carded, I'd certainly ask why (no way would I produce ID and give them any kind of facts to work off of), and if they denied to serve them, I'd be pretty pissed off and ask to see the manager. I'd very possibly leave, and definitely say a few words to the management on the way out.

    This kind of thing really doesn't go on in New York City, and any one who seems to think it does or should really has no clue what they're talking about. Kids who want to get drunk can go buy beers at half the bodegas in the city - what the hell would they want to go out and spend a bunch of money on food for?

  4. Just wanted to second what others have said - they carry a much larger selection of everything than lots of other places, despite the small size of the stores (in NYC, anyway). The quality of the fruit is also usually very, very good compared to most places. The cheese counter is also pretty good (it's no Murray's, obviously) but we've always found the meat/fish to be a little lacking.

  5. I think Cakewalk's comment has a lot of validity to it - eGulleters aside, most people will not travel great distances for pizza, normal sushi, french bistros, etc. What makes something a destination restaurant is the willingness of the average person to say, I could eat similar food down the street, but I'm going to hop in the car/taxi/train/bus and go to this other, distant place because it's better somehow. I live on the UWS. I like Ouest, but if I lived downtown, I'd never hop on transportation to come eat at it, because to me it just isn't good enough for that - I'd sooner travel to Gramercy, or EMP, or Telepan. That makes it a neighborhood restaurant in my book. But I would travel to eat Turkish food at Pasha, because I don't feel I can get better Turkish food anywhere else. Objectively, that doesn't mean that Ouest is worse than Pasha, just that what Pasha has to offer is harder to come by.

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