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Posts posted by Dryden

  1. Doorman building with a call up, but with a twist - certain places that have proven they can't keep themselves from stuffing menus under the doors have been banned from bringing food up to the apartment. If you order from one of those places, you have to go down to the lobby to get it. And it does make us order less from those places, unless we really really want to eat what they've got.

  2. I very definitely had woodcock (with a warning about the shot) about a month ago at Craftbar.  What that means, I don't know.

    Was it on the menu? I wonder if somehow they got it inspected.

    What did you think of it? Have you had it before?

    It was not on the menu, actually. The waiter mentioned it as a special, and he mentioned it was Scottish. I had not had it before - it was delicious, a bit more "wild" in taste then a cornish hen or a squab, but wonderful throughout.

    For the person who asked, Craftbar is at 47 E 19th St.

    How do you get an ortolan in the US? I'm gonna have to find that thread...

  3. We used to go to Iso a lot, and went to Koi shortly after it opened. It was often good, a little uneven, but to put it in the same category at JB seems pretty unfair - the quality and selection of fish which JB has to offer blows Koi away, at least in our experience.

  4. As my wife will tell you, I am physically incapable of being on Sullivan street (anywhere on Sullivan will do) without popping in for a couple of slices of pizza. She especially likes the funghi, which I have to say, is to die for.

    And the pannetone was/is freakin' awesome.

  5. I've always found them to be moister, fattier, and quite a bit more flavorful (in a game poultry kind of way) then chickens. If I had enough to eat it, I'd never make a chicken over a capon. Or a turkey either, for that matter.

    Also, due to the extra fat, they're a lot less likely to have the breast burn before the rest is done like a chicken or turkey.

  6. To put a little more of this discussion in perspective, many people who would never pay $1000 for dinner would buy a $1 lottery ticket. For the NY State Mega Millions lottery, the odds of winning are 135,145,920:1. If you spent $1000 on lottery tickets, which would give you 2,000 chances to win, you would have a 0.0015% chance of winning. If you spent this at Masa, I would say your odds of "winning", or at least of having a phenomenal meal, would be somewhat higher.

    Different strokes, as they say.

  7. I think that most people who do have expense accounts probably would go to a place like Masa, if they thought they could get away with it. But most companies won't go for something like that - there are limits, no matter who you are, for precisely the price-gouging and bad impression reasons given by others. Of course, if a managing partner comes up to me and says - "Eat dinner on the company wherever you want, price not a concern" and means it, I'll be heading straight there.

  8. Otto for a romantic evening? I don't think so. Only if you get the gelato to go and head for the hotel room.

    And while Chikalicious is a really good place, sitting at a counter with a horde of people standing around you waiting for a seat is also not romantic.

    I was thinking more like Cafe des Artistes.

    If my wife is any indication, womenfolk think Chikalicious is the cutest, neatest place they've ever been.

  9. Mark and his team actually are offering at least 2 jelly donuts: one filled with orange marmalade, and the other with regular jelly with a peanut butter outside. They're both awesome.

    They are also sold at 71 Irving, if you want to get a great donut and a great cup of coffee, too.

  10. Don't think I had seen anything about it on here, but for those who keep track of such things, Patria is officially closed for business. Their number now rings over at Lucy - no word on what will be there next.

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