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Posts posted by wesza

  1. There hasn't been Pastrami or Corned Beef product that are being Cured or Smoked with Salt Peter, that i'm aware of being marketed. Most utilize derivatives similar to prague powder, or other curing agents, as Salt Peter requires more carefull attention while curing as I learned thru doing. Also i've never seen any lemon or citric acids in any Jewish/European Pickling Mixture. Never heard of Juniper Berries in Pastrami either. Why 1 pound of Thyme? The amount of Coriander Seeds in not consistant, more are used in a meat pickling mix for Pastrami. There is always more Whole Cloves of Garlic in the Pastrami Pickle to provide the taste expected from Pastrami even though it not applied in the coating used for smoking. Most provisioners, crack the Coriander seeds before mixing with the Cracked Pepper corns. Some also coat the pre-smoked Pastrami's before coating with the cracked spices all over with "Hungarian Paprika" to enhance the finished color of the meat, this darkens during smoking. It's a good practice to weigh down the meats while in your pickling solution, rotating in brine daily. Commercial picklers have built in agitators to do this job, plus submerged lid to weight meats down. It's important to consider during smoking that since your using different cuts of meats, each has a very different amount and location of the colligen content, that should be broken down and permitted to rest properly. The different types of meat also require pre-air drying and setting before you start smoking. If possable each piece would be easier to control if you leave a probe or heat resistant thermometer in a upright position in the thickest part of the meat, as they are going to cook at different times, due to type's of cut's being used. I'm sorry about having so much to say but i'm very interested and excited about your project. Wish you'd added some beef navel cut's, that's the real NYC Pastrami.

  2. Has there been articles or a book written about all the various different "Ehinic" varieties of the basic "Congee" preperation. It seems to have different consistancy, taste and flavor, even varieties of Rice. Almost every place in Asia it always tastes good, but varies. The side dishes, seem more important to some, while others cook it into the congee, with only side seasonings. In some places there are different "Congees" served in the morning, with different ones served for "night supper".

  3. My Daughter, was invited to a similar type party, she won first Prize for gross food, that tasted good. It took her only a few minutes to prepare. One tray of "Stouffers Frozen Lasagna", Thawed and abused, with simulated tire marks, across surface. Next artistically topped with blended to Smoosh out "Canned Black Bean Chilli", presented to party Goers as, "FRESH ROAD KILL". she's always had a creative touch for gookieness. It was the only dish, eaten and Enjoyed?

  4. I'm fortunate to have many of the Chinese Cookbooks in my Library as well as a complete set of the "Time-Life Series". However my favorite cookbook is "Five Treasures of Chinese Cuisine" written by Flora L. Chang and Gaynell M. Fuchs published by Oriental Publishing Co. in Honolulu, Hawaii. There are sometimes copies available at used bookstores, if you find one buy it, you won't be sorry. It very interesting and comprehensive with dishes written with Chinese Characters together with Chinese and English indexes. Every recipe has been carefully tested, prior to publication as well as explained. I remember having "Noodles' custom made as "Tai Tai's' often did, in Hong Kong. Buying the fresh Shrimp Fat or Roe, Duck Eggs and bringing this to the noodle maker who would make the delicious, Shrimp Fat, Egg Noodles while we watched and waited. So many of her recipes are improvements on popular dishes now served at many places

  5. I've made "Sweet Corn" Ice Cream, using "Olathe Sweet Bi-Color Corn" that should come on the market soon, if not already. To get a essence of the Corn, we cut the Nibs from the Cobs. Then we boiled the cobs in small amount of water to utilize the sweet flavor. Used this fluid to simmer together with the Nibs, then riced the nibs with the fluid essence. Stripped a Vanilla Bean, together with Fluid Essence and 4 oz. Sweetened Condensed Milk. Took Nibs from Several Cobs off Cob, Sauted in Sweet Butter just long enough to Cook until juices flowed. Mixed togther with, cooled down Essence, Milk and Vanilla. Removed Vanilla Bean then added to Standard Ice Cream Formula, adjusting sweetness to taste. It comes out interesting, nicly served as a intermezzo at a dinner, or fun as a dessert.

  6. I like the "Melon' or "Lotus Seed" Mooncakes. 1 or 2 per year, does the job. I'm surprised to see that the "Maxim's" in Hong Kong is selling them, when we opened the original "Maxim's" in the basement of "Lane Crawford House" in Hk's Central District it was a European Style Coffee shop Restaurant. the quickly expanded until sold to the "hong Kong Land Company". There were Bakeries in "Kowloon" that were famous for baking them, shipped all over the World.

  7. They are all Species of the same family, even in Chinese Menus in Hong Kong there are many variations in spelling. Bet, you didn't know that the World's most Expensive Fish, served in Hong Kong is "Horse Head Grouper", often costing , live from fish Tank's as much as $500.00 per Chinese Pound, or Caddy [20 Oz]. When it's order and served at Restaurant's there lots of noise and hoopla. Mr Chings HOrse Head, being served. etc.

  8. Trillium: The place across the street, newly opened is likely one of the best Szechuan Restaurant's in America. The couple that own, and operate the restaurant had a Restaurant in Szechuan over 20 years. There are very few owner/operators in America. They had a place previously, that they sold to employees that still pretty good in North Seattle, but the new place on the second floor of the Ding How Shopping Center is the real thing, even "Hot Pot's". Good reason to come back and visit Mom? My friend who dined there with me is the son of the former Governer of Harbin who said that it was the best Szechuan meals he's ever eaten in a restaurant.

  9. Remember: J Lo's from Da Bronx, Affleck's a Boston boy, poor Rocco's from Queens. We know who's gonna kick butt. Daredevil and the Bronx win's. After all J Lo's from my favorite TV show, also Jim Carey, Waylan Brothers and others. I'll back up J Lo, anytime, the current movie may sting. But smell's better then Rocco's, IE: Health Report, what wasn't mentioned in the report, is that stuff was possably his Mis-In Plas, for the Meat Ball Sauce. The interview with the waiter was excellent. Probably the most candid accurate report to come out of this whole joke. Since i've predicted ROSSANNE/ROCCO food show, i'll add some other predictions. Rocco's going to complain he's been underpaid. Why, according to the NY Post $$$$$ Article he's ony receiving about $35,000.00 per one Hour performance. He's just realized what other Performers are being paid. Seinfeld. Friends, Fraiser all being paid one million plus per 1/2 hour show, so feel sorry for Rocco he's getting the Business? He's only got 2 more week's to make it. So Rocco will sneak in more item's then the Vespa, want to bet? Rocco's Chefware Jackets and Checkered Pant's becoming big Botique Item. Making nice to Theigh's next popular dating trend.[ It's about time, but Rocco did it first on TV.] Emmy for Comedy Special Series? I'll let others make their predictions.

  10. Whoa! There is considerable difference in the origin and actual History of the Pastrami served in Montreal, and that what is served in New York Metro area, and everywhere else in America. Montreal's Pastrami, came from England where it's called Smoked Beef or Spiced Beef. It's was traditionaly made from the Silver Tip, {English Butchering Cut}. This is used in UK for Corned Beef as Well as Smoked Meat [Pastrami}. This Silver Tip, is similar to our Whole Shoulder Clod, trimmed differently. In New York the original Pastrami, was made from Goose, by Rumanian Kosher Deli's. The First Beef, Pastrumi, was made from Navel or Plate. It's still used In New York, but the majority of processed Pastrami[that's what it's called?] comes from Top Round, Eye Round or Flat Briskets, sliced or packaged in most Supermarkets. The proper method of preperation is to first mildly cure the plates, after injection in a pickling solution. Then the plates are, dried, them covered with seasonings, different types for different finishes. Then the navels are strung up and hung on Smoker Trees, where they are slow, moist smoked idealy until the Colligen in the Beef breaks down, leaving the meat, tasty, tender and delicious. That's why it responds so well to the mild, steamer, warming and slicing. I feel that the best navel Pastrami is made in the Philidelphia area, National Foods in Miami and in NYC, on the lower east side, near to Katz Deli. I wish there was some in Seattle, where i'm now located. I opened Lindy's in Hong Kong in 1965 with real Pastrami, grw up in NYC, worked in the Catskill's, Stage Deli, with Max Asnas and the Carnagie Deli. Have been Consulting on Foods and Restaurants all over the World, am now retired, so may post without violating confidentiality.

  11. Viet Wah, on the Jackson Steet location, is the Grand Dame of Seattle's, Vietmanese Chinese Markets, the new location on MLK. hasn't settled in yet, in my opinion, as the are trying hard to do to many thing's. Ironically they chose to open close to Seattle largest Orthrodox Jewish area. There are many other Vietmanese Delicatessens, Pho Restaurant's, Oriental Markets that have better prices and selections available in the International District or even Kent, with the Great Wall Shopping Center. Where they've opened on MLK they stand out like a welcome beacon in the area. I wish them well.

  12. ROCCO"S NEW PARTNER? [in TV land] ROSSANNE? WHY NOT? I'm new to the board. Post reguarly on Chowhound, Pacific NW, General, Non-Food and Kosher Boards. Also Post on Roadfoods. Have lurked on E-Gullet.Com siince it's begining. However I felt that this possable conclusion, rationalized by my Grandaughter [12 yrs], therefore more understanding of Reality Television. Last week "ROSSANNE", introduced her setting up of a "COOKING SHOW", format on ABC, using her Son, Son-In-Law, Original Husband[1st], His new Wife, and Rossanne's new Boyfriend. Rocco's show only has 3 more segement's to be shown on NBC. His show now has Mommie, Uncle, Aunt and i'm sure other relatives. To us it only seems natural for both Shows to get together. ROSSANNE requires credability for her Cooking? ROCCO"S, together with family add comical credability with the addition of their cooking skills? ROCCO"S, a single attractive male, ROSSANNES, a Grandma, interesting personality. This seems to us as the "Ultimate Reality Television" just think of the rating's if they have Television's favorite family the "Osbounes" as guests, especially if "Ozzie", shows his famous chicken recipe, developed in his earlier years. YUMMMMM. Now that's Entertainment.

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